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Translating the interface in your language, we need your help[breyta]

Hello Nonexyst, thanks for working on this wiki in your language. We updated the list of priority translations and I write you to let you know. The language used by this wiki (or by you in your preferences) needs about 100 translations or less in the priority list. You're almost done!
Til þess að bæta við eða breyta þýðingum fyrir öll wiki-verkefni, notaðu, staðfærsluverkefni MediaWiki

Please register on if you didn't yet and then help complete priority translations (make sure to select your language in the language selector). With a couple hours' work or less, you can make sure that nearly all visitors see the wiki interface fully translated. Nemo 26. apríl 2015 kl. 14:06 (UTC)Reply